Entering Africa 2 days ago was a time to say... "Let's get it on" Going into stage 5? Let's get it on already!
During stage 3 Robby noticed a dip in The Monster's powerband. After a night in the service area and trying in vane to locate the power drop no specific issues could be found. During today's stage 4 the problem became so obvious Robby could only muster a piss poor finish outside the top 50. After today and two lost stages for which the Monster was designed, Robby is relegated to 49th in the overall standings.
The fuel issue, weather it be a poorly maintained and neglected year old fuel system or strait up sabotage; Caused 4 of the 8 fuel injectors to be clogged thus leaning out the LS7 power plant and cooking a few spark plug wires. After this, the problem was clearly identified and resolved. Hey, didn't Fly suggest a 9th injector last year?
10 stages remain... Will the luck run out for other teams too? Yes. Is a top 5 finish this year still doable? Yes. Can Robby and The Monster extend Robby’s USA Dakar Driver Record? Yes.
The 4 first stages are gone forever. In this time of mild despair, Fly must quote a top disciple from the book of "Baha Robba Haul Assah”: The top disciple - Rory Artistico VonAirbruch said;
"I like the idea that Robby is having problems, that means he's gonna drive the piss out of The Monster because he is down so far, no team orders, no following the team car, no pulling over to wait for a team car, just good ol' fashioned RG driving like a mad man. Anybody ever see RG drive right after a couple flats trying to make up time.....a thing of beauty."
And the word is spoken. Let's get it on!
Another interesting side note: Prior to the stage 4 start Bobby "The Punk" Chuck, told Turbo Tom there was a Tommy's Burger drive thru at the end of the stage. Turbo Tom and his Team Dakar USA T-4 crew sit 18th overall in the truck class now. (First among the "true support" T-4s).
Gas On! Fly
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